Kickball Rules

(last revision 5/10/24)

Quiz yourself on the rules

This rule set is designed for the weekly slow pitch leagues. Tournaments, draft leagues, indoor leagues and fast pitch leagues may play under a modified rule set.

10 Point Rules Summary

  • On defense, 10 players are in the field- 5 men and 5 women.
  • On offense, everyone can kick, you must alternate genders when kicking.
  • Any additional players may be included in the kicking lineup and be freely subbed in on defense. A minimum of 4m and 4f is required for an official game.
  • Games are 9-innings long. Bases are 60 feet apart. 
  • This is slow pitch and the ball must be pitched in good faith with no intent to deceive, bounce, spin or speed the ball past the kicker. There are no strikes or balls, however a kicker can foul out for accumulating three fouls.
  • Bunting is legal, however there is a ‘catcher rule’ which states “a kicker will be given two strikes and the ball will be called dead if the catcher is able to possess the ball before the kicker reaches first base”. The kicker will kick again. 
  • Fielders have the right of way when in possession of the ball or imminently fielding the ball. Fielders must stay clear of the base paths in all other cases. 
  • A play is over when a defensive player is on the mound with possession of the ball. Runners in motion will go to the base closest to them (half way rule- torso is past the halfway marker of the base they are advancing to).
  • We have an 8-4-12 Mercy Rule. When losing by 8 or more runs, the losing teams get 12 fielders on defense and 4 outs on offense for the entirety of the inning.
  • The umpire will exhibit and interpret these rules based on the ‘spirit of the game’, and the umpire’s decision is final in all matters. Only captains may ask an umpire for an explanation of a call and captains share in the responsibility of the conduct of their teammates' behaviors.

Full Rule Book

  • Part I - Game Rules
  • Part 2 - Tournament Rules
  • Part 3 - Weird Situations

Player Eligibility 

1.1 On defense, 10 players take the field with a maximum of 5 men. 

1.2 On offense, teams will maintain a set kicking order that alternates male/female kickers.  

1.3 Females may take the spot of a male, but never vice versa.

1.4 Teams may carry additional players on the bench. ‘Bench’ players may be included in the kicking order and freely subbed into defense.  

1.5 Teams designated as ‘free agent teams’ may adhere to different gender rules based on the gender ratio of signups for that league.  

1.6.1 A team with less than 8 players (minimum 4 females) will forfeit and a scrimmage will occur in place of a game.

1.6.2 No subs should be used if a team can field a lineup of 5m/5f with their own roster. The opposing captain must grant a courtesy to bring in sub players to exceed 5m/5f. 

1.6.3 Teams that have 4 players of a gender may bring in sub players to field a complete team but should not exceed 5 players of each gender by the use of subs.  

1.7 Players that become injured can be removed from the game without penalty.  

Spirit of the Game

2.1.1 Players are required to conduct themselves in a respectful, civilized manner.

2.1.2 Unsportsmanlike actions include and are not limited to yelling, name calling, inappropriate gestures, aggressive words, intimidating behavior, physical touch, intentionally reckless actions, flagrant abuse of rules, attempts to demean, embarrass or humiliate an opponent. 

2.2.1 Umpires have wide latitude to eject players who exhibit these behaviors.

2.2.2 Eject players must immediately exit the field and play cannot continue until they do. The league reserves the right to take further action against ejected players.

2.3 Only captains may approach an umpire to discuss a call. Captains also have a responsibility in controlling the behavior of their teammates.

2.4.1 The umpire will exhibit and interpret these rules based on the ‘spirit of the game’, and the umpire’s decision is final in all matters. 

2.4.2 In the absence of a clear rule, the umpire may default to established baseball rules or spirt of the game

2.5.1 The 8-4-12 Mercy Rule states;

2.5.2 A team that is losing by 8 runs or more can play with 12 total players on the field. The 2 added players can be of any gender.

2.5.3 A team that starts the kicking portion of the inning down by 8 or more runs receives 4 outs for the full duration of the inning, regardless if they score and are no longer trailing by 8+ runs.

2.6 10 is the maximum score differential that will be recorded. The differential will be based on the score of the losing team. (example; a 20 to 3 game gets reported as 13 to 3).

2.7.1 During Playoffs, ‘A’ Bracket games are played with a more stringent set of rules.

2.7.2 The higher seed has the choice to be home or away.

2.7.3 Captains may request a kicking order from the opposing captain.

2.7.4 There is no mercy rule.

2.7.5 All competing players must be on the team’s roster and are subject to a roster check.

The Field

3.1 Playing areas vary and may include ‘throw downs’ on grass fields as well as baseball diamonds. The umpire’s reasonable judgment will prevail when the field’s infrastructure does not provide all of the below;

3.2 The playing field shall be a diamond with equal sides of 60ft. The distance from home to second shall be 84ft and 10 inches.The bases should be measured from the back corner of each base. 

3.3 An orange safety bag is placed to the right of first base in foul territory and separated by a disc cone. The offense is compelled to use the orange base unless safety reasons require otherwise.

3.4.1 Six cones will be used to mark the following areas: 2nd base, 3rd base, two on the right field line, two on the left field line.

3.4.2 Cones may become displaced. In the case where there are no painted foul lines, the cones only provide context and it is up to the umpire to decide if a ball is foul or fair. 

3.5 The pitching mound is located directly in the center of the diamond and 42ft and 5 inches from home plate. It is marked with 6 disc cones forming a circle. 

3.6 An agreed upon area past foul territory shall be determined as ‘out of play’.

3.7 The official LI-Kick ball is a Baden KB-10.

3.8 One base coach is permitted at 1st base and 3rd base. 

Regulation Game

4.1.1 Games are 9-innings long, with 3 outs per half-inning. 

4.1.2 Time, weather and light constraints may require games to go less than 9-innings and this call will be made by either the league director or umpire, and communicated to captains.

4.1.2 When time, weather or light constraints are foreseeable, it is commonplace for the league director or umpire to declare ‘no new inning’ past a certain time.

4.1.3 Games may be brought to an immediate halt when time, weather or light conditions pose an immediate safety risk.

4.1.4 Games will be called ‘official’ if 50% of the game is completed at the time the game is halted. Games will be replayed with a fresh start if less than 50% of the games is completed.

4.2.1 A game will begin with a pregame meeting between the umpire and captain(s) from each team.

4.2.2 Home/Away is determined by a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors at the pre-game captain’s meeting.

4.2.3 It is “rock, paper, scissors, SAYS, shoot”.

4.3 If the home team is ahead at the bottom of the final inning, the home team wins the game and the bottom of the inning will not be played. 

4.4 Games tied at the end of 9-innings will play 1-inning of overtime, if time allows. Regular season games will end in a tie if the game is still tied after 1 additional inning.  


5.1.1 Team will maintain a kicking order which alternates genders.

5.1.2 Male players cannot kick back to back. Teams that have an even gender ratio will kick ‘straight through’. Teams that do not have even gender ratios may maintain separate kicking orders for each gender.

5.1.3 Players arriving late can be inserted to the kicking order without penalty. 

5.1.4 Players may kick without a requirement to field (designated kicker). Players must be in the kicking order to be eligible to play defense (no designated fielders).

5.2 The kicker has the option to decline a pitch. There are no strikes, balls, walks, or hit by pitches.  

5.3 The umpires may call a first or a second strike (but never a third) if the kicker intentionally turns down a perfectly pitched ball (pace of play strike). An umpire may call this with no prior ‘warning’.

5.4 A player that ‘swings and misses’ will not be awarded a strike, just to avoid the additional embarrassment. 

5.5.1 Kickers must kick with their plant foot entirely behind the front of home plate (the plane extends laterally). Balls that are kicked while the kicker has their plant foot in front of home plate shall be ruled an immediate dead ball and the kicker receives one foul.

5.5.2 In instances where space behind home plate is limited, an agreed up ‘kicking line’ may be drawn to represent the area where a kicker may plant their foot. This area is considered legal to kick from and in fair territory.   

5.6 A double kick occurs when a kicker makes a secondary contact with the ball. The ball will be called ‘foul’ if the secondary contact occurs in foul territory and ‘out’ if the secondary contact occurs in fair territory.  

5.7 All foul balls count as strikes. A kicker is called ‘out’ on the 3rd foul/strike.

5.8 Bunting is legal however we play with ‘The Catcher Rule’ A kicker will be given two strikes and the ball will be called dead if the catcher is able to possess the ball before the kicker reaches first base. The kicker will kick again. 

5.8.1 The ball is ‘live’ and play will continue in the case where the catcher does not beat the runner at first base.


6.1 Two foul lines originate at home plate and extend to (and beyond) 1st base and 3rd base. The entirety of the foul lines, bases and home plate are in fair territory The area of foul territory is determined by the position of the ball (not the position of the player) in relation to these lines.

6.2. A foul ball is defined as

  • A ball that enters foul territory before passing 1st or 3rd base
  • A ball that enters fair territory and then carries into foul territory before being touched by a defensive player
  • A ball that immediately lands in foul territory beyond 1st and 3rd base.

6.3: If a defensive player catches a foul ball, an ‘out’ is recorded and play is continued as live.  


7.1 This is a slow pitch league.

7.2 There are no balls or strikes called.

7.3 Pitching must be underhand only. Pitches must be thrown in good faith with no intent to deceive, bounce, spin or speed the ball past the kicker. 

7.4 There is no mechanism for an intentional walk.

7.5 Pitchers must release their pitch from within the pitcher’s mound.

7.6 The pitcher must remain in the pitcher’s mound until the ball is contacted by the kicker.


8.1.1 10 players play the field, with a maximum of 5 men.

8.1.1 Additional players may be on the bench and subbed in at will.

8.2.1 Pitcher and catcher are the only defined positions. The 8 other players are free to begin play in whichever position/area they prefer. There is no encroachment line/area.

8.2.2 Pitchers must pitch and remain on the mound until the ball is kicked.  

8.2.3 Catchers must remain behind the plane of the kicker until the ball is kicked. An umpire will use his/her best judgment when determining the reasonableness based on the available space behind home plate.

8.2.4. A kicker will be awarded either the result of the play, or first base, if a pitcher or catcher commits a positional foul.

8.2.5 Pitchers and Catchers are allowed 1 position change per inning.

8.3.1 Bunting is legal however we play with ‘The Catcher Rule’ A kicker will be given two strikes and the ball will be called dead if the catcher is able to possess the ball before the kicker reaches first base. The kicker will kick again.  

8.3.2 The Catcher must be the first and only player to touch the ball to invoke ‘The Catcher Rule’.

8.3.3 Fly balls caught by the catcher will be an ‘out’ and the ball is live.

8.4 Defensive players must remain clear of the base paths unless in possession of the ball or imminently fielding a batted ball. Obstruction will be called when a defensive player not in possession of the ball, imminently fielding a batted ball, or not involved in a play contacts, impedes, or blocks a baserunner. 

8.5 The defense can record outs by catching a fly ball, recording a force out, tag out or peg out. 

8.6 There is no infield fly rule and ‘intentional’ drops are not disallowed. Don’t like it? Blame your kicker for kicking a pop fly to second base.  

8.7 An overthrow is a ball thrown, kicked, or deflected into out of play territory while making a defensive play toward a player or base. In the case of an overthrow, the ball is called dead and all advancing runners will receive the base they are advancing to, plus the next additional base. 

8.8.1 A play ends when any defensive player, with possession of the ball, establishes both feet within the pitcher’s mound. At that point the umpire shall call ‘time’. Any runners will be called back to the base closest to them at the time the fielder established position (half way rule).

8.8.2 An umpire may not immediately call ‘time’ and offer the defense a chance to record an out on any runners not on a base. However, play will be considered over at the time the defense establishes position in the pitcher's mound (while not attempting to record an out), not when the umpire verbally announces ‘time’.

8.8.3 While the defense has the option to extend the play, an instinctual reaction or even a pump fake is not a great enough action to consider the play as being continued.

Base Running

9.1 Runners must remain on a base until the ball is contacted. Players taking a lead after the pitch and before the kick will be called ‘out’. The play will be called dead before the kick is attempted.

9.2 Once the ball is kicked, the play is live and runners can continue advancing until the defense returns the ball to the mound or the umpire calls the play dead.

9.3 Runners choose their base path but must not deviate more than 3 feet laterally on either side of their established base path. Runners that do will be called ‘out’ and play will continue.

9.4.1 Striking a player with a ball in an attempt to record an out (pegging) is permitted. 

9.4.2 Runners are protected from the neck and above from peg out attempts (head hunting). A player hit in the neck or above will automatically be awarded the next base. The ball is ‘live’ and play continues.

9.4.3 Runners give up their head hunting protection if they make any attempt to elude a peg, including ducking, diving, jumping and sliding.

9.4.4 Play will be called dead when an offensive player intentionally touches the ball. 

9.5.1 Runners must give way to fielders actively fielding the ball. Runners will be called ‘out’ for interference for contacting a fielder.  

9.5.2 Obstruction on the defense occurs when a defensive player not in possession of the ball, not fielding a batted ball, or not actively involved in a play contacts, impedes, or blocks a baserunner. In the case of obstruction, the umpire will let the play proceed and then award bases to the runners to which they would have safely advanced in the umpire’s judgment, had the obstruction not occurred.    

9.6.1 Runners must use the orange safety bag at first base when play is being made. If there is no play being made, runners may use the white bag.  

9.6.2 1st base is the only base that can be overran. Runners who make any attempt to advance to second base are considered ‘live’ and give up the protection of over running first.  

9.6.3 When a play is being made at first base, runners must enter the ‘running lane’ within 5 yards of first base. The running lane is the area on the right side of the foul line in foul territory which leads the runner to the orange safety bag .Runners will be called ‘out’ if they contact the first baseman when the option to use the ‘running lane’ exists. Obstruction will be called if the first baseman enters the running lane retrieving an errant throw and contacts the runner.

9.7.1 Runners must tag up before advancing on caught fly balls.

9.7.2 Runners may legally tag up on the ‘first touch’ and need not wait till a catch is completed to begin advancing.

9.8: A runner is called ‘out’ and the play will continue as ‘live’ if the runner is hit by a kicked ball while on the base path or standing on a base (provided that the contact occurs in fair territory). The base provides no safety.  

9.9.1 A runner who passes or makes contact with the runner in front of them will be called ‘out’ and play will continue.  

9.9.2 A runner who a base coach contacts will be called out if the play is still live and the contact made is deemed as an advantage to help the runner (pulling them back to the base, pushing them to keep going, etc).  

9.10 If a base becomes displaced from its original position during the course of play, a ‘phantom base’ will be assumed and play will continue assuming as if there is a base in the original spot. 

9.11: Sliding is permitted. However, runners who while sliding, contact fielders who have established themselves in legal positions, will be called ‘out’.

9.12.1 A play is called ‘dead’ when a defensive player is on the mound with possession of the ball. Runners will be called back to the base closest to them at that time, whether it be the base they are coming from or advancing to (half way rule), unless a force dictates the runners must advance.

9.12.2 Base runners have no ‘right to make an attempt to advance’. The play is called dead when a defensive player is on the mound with possession of the ball.  

9.12.3 Half-way is determined by the runner's torso. If the runner's torso is past the halfway marker when a play is called dead, they will get the base they are advancing to. If their torso is not past the marker they will go back to the previous base.

9.12.4 In a case where there is multiple runners on base, if the lead runner is not halfway and the runner trying to advance to their base is, all players must return to their previous base as halfway advancement is determined by the lead runner.

9.13 In the event that a run is scored and a third out is obtained the run is only awarded provided that all of the following have occurred:

  • All forced runners made it to their forced base safely
  • The runner crossed the plate prior to the third out being obtained

9.14.1 Pinch runners are permitted In cases of injury, however the player being subbed out may not reenter the game on offense or defense.  

9.14.2 Should there be no available pinch runner on the bench, the pinch runner will be the last player called ‘out’ of the same gender. 

Score Keeping

10.1 It is the responsibility of the scoring player to flip the scoreboard to register their run.

10.2 It is the responsibility of the team to monitor the kicking order of the opposing team.

10.3 Is the responsibility of the umpire to maintain the inning and out count

10.4 The umpire has ultimate jurisdiction over all these areas

10.5 It is the responsibility of umpire to report the final score

Tournament Rules

Tournaments have many variables including the number of teams playing, number of fields available and time available. In general;

T.1 Tiebreakers to determine standings are; (1) runs against, (2) run differential, (3) runs scored, (4) the m/f kick-and-run. Head-to-head is only used in a 2-way tie and will be used before runs against. 

T.2 Pool play games can end in a tie. Playoff games will go to as many extra innings as necessary. 

Division 1 of Tournaments are played with the same rules as above, with the exception;

T.3 6m and 4f play the field.

T.4 Teams will kick with a lineup that is ‘straight through’.

T.5 Men can kick back-to-back, but never three in a row, including the wrap around.

T.6 Pool play games will be 6-innings in length or no-new inning being allowed to start at the 50th minute.  

T.7 Playoff games will be 7-innings in length.

T.8 The is no mercy rule in D1

T.9 The number of teams advancing to the playoffs will be roughly 50% of the D1 field.

T.10.1 A prize pool based on the number of teams will be established.

T.10.2 Currently assumed to be $75 per team.

Division 2 of Tournaments are played with the same rules as above, with the exception;

T.11 Pool play and playoff games will be 5-innings in length with no-new inning being allowed to start after the 50th minute. 

T.12 Volunteer umpires will be used.

T.13 The number of teams advancing to the playoffs will be less than 50% of the D2 field.

T.14 A non-monetary prize will be awarded to the winner.

T.15 A separate ‘team spirit’ or ‘best dressed’ prize will be awarded.

15 Weird Situations

WS.1 A ball is kicked and hits the runner who is standing on second base.

  • The Rule: The runner is ‘out’ and the ball is live. It does not matter if there is a force or not. The base does not provide any safety (Rule 9.8)

WS.2 There are no outs and a runner on third base. The ball is kicked directly back to the pitcher who holds the ball on the mound. The runner on third base attempts to run home.

  • The Rule: The runner must return to third if they are not already halfway to home by the time the fielder has established position on the mound with possession of the ball. (Rule 9.12.2)

WS.3 The defensive player pegs out a runner, who in an act of frustration, punches the ball, causing it to go into the outfield and allowing other runners to advance. 

  • The Rule: The runner is called ‘out’ and the play is ruled dead for intentionally hitting the ball. Base runners are sent to the base they are closest to. Note this is only called when the ball is intentionally hit by the runner. The ball is ‘live’ when a peg out deflects off a runner (Rule 9.4.4)

WS.4 A team losing by 10 runs is in the mercy rule and starts the inning with 4 outs. The rally and score 7 runs, bringing the difference to 3 runs.  

  • The Rule: Teams gets 4 outs for the full length of the inning, regardless of how many runs they are able to score. (Rule 2.5.3)

WS.5 A player shows up late to the game. The captain asks you if they can enter the game.

  • The Rule: Late players can be inserted into the lineup without penalty as long as they are legally entering in the correct gender spot. (Rule 5.1.3) 

WS.6 Half of a kicker’s plant foot steps over home plate when kicking the ball. The ball is caught by a defensive player. 

  • The Rule: No portion of a kicker’s plant foot can land beyond the plane of home plate. The ball is immediately ruled dead and the kicker is awarded 1 strike. The result of the play is null (rule 5.5.1)

WS.7 The ball is thrown back to a player on the pitcher’s mound and, believing that the play is over, an advancing runner stops running and starts walking back to the base. The fielder throws the ball to a baseman who tags the runner with the ball.

  • The Rule: The runner is ‘out’ and the play continues as live. The umpire may offer the defense a chance to record an out on any runners not on a base. Runners should continue advancing until the umpire calls ‘time’. (Rule 8.8.3) 

WS.8 There is 1 out and a runner on 1st and 2nd. The ball is popped into the air above the second base area. The fielder allows the ball to drop in order to tag the runner at 2nd and record a force out on the runner advancing from first. 

  • The Rule: This is a legal play. There is no infield fly rule (Rule 8.6)

WS.9 The ball is popped into the air and a base runner loudly yells “I GOT IT’ into the ear of fielder attempting to catch the ball.

  • The Rule: The base runner can be called ‘out’ for interference as base runners are not allowed to impede the defense from making a play. (Rule 9.5.1)

WS.10 A runner is safe at first base and over runs the bag. They then ‘turn left’ as they return back to the base. The fielder at first base tags the runner with the ball. 

  • The Rule: The runner is still provided the safety of the orange base. ‘Turning left’ is not enough to qualify as ‘attempting to advance’ (Rule 9.6.2) 

WS.11 A pop fly is caught by the catcher, before the kicker reaches first base.  

  • The Rule: The kicker is ‘out’ and play continues as a live ball. (Rule 8.3.3)

WS.12 When making a play at first base, the first baseman and base runner collide.

  • The Rule: The base runner is called ‘out’ for interference if they are not in the running lane and using the orange bag. The base runner is called ‘safe’ by obstruction if the runner is in the running lane and the fielder initiates contact. Play continues as ‘live’. The umpire may declare the play ‘dead’ if there is an immediate safety risk. (Rule 9.6.3, Rule 8.4, and Rule 4.1.3)

WS.13 The third baseman is playing ‘aggressively close’ in anticipation of a bunt.

  • The Rule: There is no limitation on where field players are allowed to position themselves (Rule 8.2.1)

WS. 14 A ball is kicked to deep center field and the kicker is attempting to achieve a double. While rounding first base, they run into the first baseman, causing them to slow and then get tagged out at second base.

  • The Rule: This is obstruction on the first baseman. Since that fielder is not involved in the play, they must not block the path of the base runner. The kicker is awarded 2nd base if that is where the umpire concludes the kicker would have reached, had the obstruction not occurred. (Rule 9.5.2)

WS.15 A captain wants to have a pinch runner for a player with ‘bad knees’ with intent the player will get to kick again in a subsequent inning.

  • The Rule: There is no mechanism for a player subbed out on offense to return into the game. The opposing captain will have to grant a courtesy for this type of pinch runner. (Rule 9.14.1)