Thursday Nights
Mar 13th to Apr 24th
8:00pm - 10:00pm
LI Sports Dome
5600 Old Sunrise Hwy
Massapequa, 11758
More Info
Each Night you will have 4 10-minute games. At the conclusion of 'league games' each week we will play pickup games where we mix teams up and all play different styles of dodgeball together. We will make up our lost week from thanksgiving throughout the rest of the season
This is a Bar Champs League: At the end of the night, make your way down to our sponsor bar, The Dark Horse Tavern! (5-minute drive). There is where we play our bar games, hang out with league members and have some drinks.
Scoring: You play as many games as possible within the 10-minute match. The team scores points based on the number of people that are left on your team when the game ends. For example, if my team won with 3 people in game one, lost with 2 people left in game 2, and won game 3 with 1 person left my team would have won the match 4-2.
Join our Facebook Group "Dodgeball on Long Island' to find teammates, get info about tournaments and share their favorite Dodgeball memes. Free agents and small groups can expect to receive their team assignments one week prior to the start of the league.
If part of your team is unable to attend, and you have less than the required amount of players, you are allowed to bring a sub during the regular season. Only rostered players may participate in the playoffs.
7-inch foam dodgeballs. The dodgeball has a coating and soft inner foam to reduce the chance of injury.
Your signup and teammate info will be visible in your locker room. We will build out your league's webpage with schedules and teams. You'll receive 3 pre-season emails from us. The first for all LI-Kick players, the second specific to your sport and a few days before your league begins, you'll receive an email from your league director with information specific to your league. You can always emails us at with any questions.
We follow USA Dodgeball rules. Scroll up and click 'Rulebook' to see how we adapt their rules to weekly league play.
Signing up solo is a great way to meet new people. We'll collect some basic information during registration and try our best to place you on a team with players like you.
And don't worry, if you already have friends playing you'll be able to specify their names and we'll get you grouped you together.
With group registrations, the group leader pays for the entire group and assigns the registrations to the group players.
Once registration ends we will combine your group with other groups and individuals that compliment your group's demographics to create a full team.
A team captain registers and pays for the entire team. You'll need the names, emails and birthdates of all your teammates. Team size and gender requirements vary by sporting_event. Corporate Teams are always welcome in any of our leagues.
This players profile is currently private.
This players profile is currently private.